Thursday, March 19, 2015

How to be a Sucessful Artist.

I recently been spending time, sitting down and thinking about how to become a successful Artist.
Too often, we are surrounded by Bozos who constantly stigmatize the Arts / Artists.

Anyhow,  I found this article on Fortune, titled " 3 Keys to making it as an Artist".
This led me to Paul Klein videos on 'how to succeed as an Artist".

Here are some key points to take note and I find them extremely useful

1) Diversification:  Trying out various methods before you narrow down what may work for you. Structure a multiple revenue model so you can figure out which model works.

2) Be weird. The whole point is to stand out from the crowd. You may invite unwanted attention but attention for a start is far better than NO attention. Think about how you would catch fishes ? Cast your net out and filter out the unwanted fishes.

3) Think positive . Telling someone that you haven't sold a painting is not going win you anything. People want to be associated with someone with a rising trajectory. Have a rising trajectory.

4) Be Distinctive. Someone must be able to tell your work right away. Best way to do that is to BE YOURSELF

5) Understand that Art is subjective and not objective like businesses. Out of 400 people, most won't like the same Artist. Unlike sports, the fastest painter won't get the gold medal because Art is subjective.

6) 50% of an Artist time has to be spend outside of the studio -Building relationship and community is the key to success. If you are brilliant and no one knows you, you are brilliant only to yourself.

7) Differentiate Strategy from Vision. You can always change your strategies. This includes what style of work, what size, whether you take commission or not.

8) There are so many different Art villages around. This can be teaching Art, illustration and etc. Pick the village you want to belong.

9) Look for a mentor. Chances are good that someone else have been through what you been through and he/she is willing to help.

10) Success: Different people look at this differently. Some want to attract attention, some wanted to make a lot of money. Some wanted to be in history books. Definite your success and structure your plan to inch closer to that. Your Artists statement becomes your diary to keep track of progress.

11) Advanced Idea: Some Artists are bad in selling and it may be a good idea to have a business partner.

12) Creativity : Its important for an Artists to apply his/her creativity in her career as much as he

13) Attitude: This is important. Someone once asked:" Whats the secret to sincerity?" If you can fake that, you got it made.

14) Get your ass in the game. Opportunity are not gonna come.

Link to consider further readings

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